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Shakti Mala March 5, 2022

Join us Saturday, March 5, 2022, for our next Shakti Mala event!

Shakti Mala is a celebration of bhakti-yoga, powerful sound healing, as well as an offering of live acoustic performances and ecstatic dance. This special evening event will include an immersive sound bathing experience facilitated by three Sound Healing Practitioners.

Sound baths create the space for self-healing and transformation. The resonance of the instruments is not just an auditory experience – it’s like receiving a full body sound massage.

As you experience these soothing sounds, Reiki Masters will facilitate energy healing to help clear your chakras. The Reiki energy healing creates a sense of relaxation by diminishing patterns of stress, worry, and anxiety. Gongs and Reiki healing may take you to a divine inner place of acceptance, balance, and peace.

Guided Yoga and Breathwork will also be offered followed by Kirtan and ecstatic dance.

It is encouraged to bring an eye cover to allow yourself to be immersed in deep relaxation. Yoga mats, pillows, and blankets will be available.

Virpal - Reiki Master, Wild Woman Circle Facilitator, Rainbow Warrior,

As a traditional Reiki Master from the Usui lineage with an ancestral background of being a life-long seeker of truth (Sikh), Virpal is a leader and facilitator for those on their healing journey. Her passion is to uplift members of her human family to live authentically, in personal sovereignty, and in alignment with their highest truth. She is particularly devoted to supporting women in connecting with their Divine Feminine, supporting other healers on the front lines aiding the collective, as well as raising the voices of people of color and indigenous communities.

Saleha - Artist & Healer,

Saleha is a gorilla healing artist, a poet, a painter, a creative director, a feminist, and an activist. With her roots in Sufism, she modernizes teachings from Buddhism, Taoism, and Shamanism to accelerate the Rise of Feminine. She works with a myriad of modalities, (specifically Breathwork, Visualization, Sound, Japanese Tea Ceremony) and her intuitive gifts to create a safe and divine space for humans to heal, reveal and activate their juiciest selves.

Brittney - Reiki Master, Flower Essence Practitioner,

Brittney was attuned as a Reiki Master with Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition of Reiki in 2014 and has curated her love of the floral and herbal realms through her Etsy store, Dreamcraft Apothecary. She has worked with Autistic individuals and their families and communities for the past 10+ years facilitating greater understanding, acceptance, and reframing environments to foster safety and wellbeing for each individual and family.

Jivan Dicovski - Life Metor & Guide,

Jivan Dicovski is a life mentor and a guide who focuses on helping people to arrive in the present moment. He combines different modalities into his practice, such as Somatic work, examining limiting belief systems, emotional release, meditation, energy work, and counseling.

27 years ago, after serving as an officer in the Israeli Army, getting a degree in engineering, and working in the corporate world, Jivan began a journey inward in search of emotional healing and finding the connection with the Divine. This journey took him to many places around the world in which he did many workshops focusing on ‘primal feelings’, Tantra, breathwork, and much more. His extensive travels and consciousness-expanding experiences gave him deep insights.

Anderson - Intuitive Sound Healer, Sound Meditation Facilitator, @anderson_pugash

Anderson Pugash has always been fascinated by the interplay of energy and vibration. As both a hospitality entrepreneur and sound meditation facilitator, he creates spaces for connection, community, and growth. He follows the path of Siddha yoga, studied at the Globe Institute for Sound Healing, and is the Co-Founder of Palm House Hospitality.

Renata Lima - Reiki Master,

Renata was born in Brazil and grew up participating in spiritual rituals, mediumship groups, and expressing herself through various art forms, which set the ground for her future explorations.

In 2013 she started her Reiki journey (Usui Tibetan tradition), and her Reiki practice was a gateway for her to dive deeper into developing her psychic abilities and intuition and inspired her to explore other practices that promote wellbeing and inner guidance, such as Shamanic work, Clairvoyance, Card Reading, Human Design and Chanting. In 2019, after attending Kirtan camps, she came together with other students and formed the Bhakti Weavers. This form of co-creation has also allowed for profound moments of connection with the Divine while expressing herself through music, devotion and focusing on the inner experience.

Dan Dowdell

Dan’s been on a rhythmic journey all his life — from his love of audio to the way he’s drawn to the dance floor. All of his memories are painted with music. This led him to study at the Globe Sound Healing Institute where he explored the depth and power of vibration. He wishes to share his gift with you.

Logan Gleeson

Logan Gleeson is a sonoma/marin native musician, singer-songwriter, and living artist. His sound is a warm blend of folk, indie, reggae, blues, and soul. Logan’s favorite thing to do is to spread divine love through music.

Nicole Leon - Artist & Astrologer

Nicole is an Astrologer and Artist with a passion for helping others connect more deeply to their own life experiences, as well as to the magic inherent both within themselves and in the outer world. She believes that by working with the ancient science of the cosmos we can become aware of the archetypes that are playing out within our lives. As the saying goes, “As above, so below”. Having a glimpse of the universal mind, she believes we can move forward with greater clarity and purpose on our path. With the desire to deepen her knowledge she embarked on a two year private apprenticeship with professional Astrologer Acyuta Bhava Das, founder of Nightlight Astrology. Since then, she has been holding one on one astrological consultations and has been published as a horoscope writer as well as facilitated new and full moon ceremonies in New York City.

Brookelle O’Riley, Yoga Teacher

Brookelle is a yoga teacher and bodywork practitioner hailing from Olympia Washington. She offers a unique Vinyasa approach that weaves together qi gong techniques and an influence of energy medicinal principals into traditional breath centered Vinyasa flow. Her class aims to harmonize the yolking of the body and mind, through nervous system repatterning, the cultivation of presence, and expanding the depth of awareness. Trained in bioenergetics for energy code facilitation at the Morter Institute for healing, yoga training with True Self Yoga, and is currently studying somatic studies at the Evergreen State college.

Vyasadeva Das aka Dj Sudakra - Ecstatic Dance Dj,

Sudakra, 27-year-old Composer/producer from California, is shaking the dance floor with his live performances, quality production, and eclectic tastes in bass music. It’s all about the music, and Sudakra encompasses this energy during his live performances, as well as his personal productions.

Debuting at Enchanted Forest Gathering 2016 on the same stage as Chlozee, Shpongle, KRNE, and playing at numerous events, and festivals throughout the year's  Sudakra's name is growing rapidly. From collaborations with heavy hitters to stunning originals, this artist is on the rise.

Earlier Event: January 28
Shakti Mala
Later Event: April 30
Shakti Mala April 30, 2022